Komaletdinova F.M. State of antiradical protection system in broilers during use of selenium containing preparations on the background of toxic feed (review) more

Malinovskii V.I. Viroids – the smallest pathogens of plants (review) more

Dzyubenko N.I. , Soskov Yu.D. , Khusainov S.Kh. e.a. Morphology and geography of the ecotypes Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. from Middle Asia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia more

Mironova L.N., Abdrakhmanova G.S. Features of growing and reproduction of yellow iris in Bashkortostan more

Akhmetova A.Sh., Baiburina R.K., Mironova L.N. About the use of isolated embryo culture for obtaining of tulip hybrid forms more

Samigullin S.N., Dmitriev A.M. Use of various sowing data for evaluation of selection lines of spring soft wheat

Simakov E.A., Yashina I.M., Loginov S.I. Induced recombinations in potato breeding on determinants controlled by polygenes with negative correlation more

Yamaleeva A.A., Yamaleev A.M. Biochemical criteria for estimation of the barley varieties on tolerance to herbicide more

Kuznetsov M.N., Prudnikov P.S. Peculiarities of membrane lipid peroxidation in apple leaves in the conditions of technogenic pollution more

Novikova N.E. The influence of leaf morphotype on water metabolism in pea more

Shokaeva D.B. Plant development, flower bud differentiation and yield of short-day strawberry varieties depending on temperature more

Kozlova G.Ya., Akimova O.V. Comparative assessment of the bare-grained and filmyoats varieties on main parameters of corn quality more

Kolesnikov L.E., Vlasova E.A., Vinogradov A.A. On wheat leaf blotch agent’s development in plants of collection samples of soft wheat more

Shpanev A.M., Dorokhov B.A. About estimation of complex injuriousness of plant pests on winter wheat in the conditions of the south-east of central chernozem zone of Russia more

Andreeva I.V. Interaction in the system of food resource—Pyrausta sticticalis L.—entomopathogenic bacterium more

Golovatyi V.G., Buravtsev V.N., Kotova E.A. Method of polyfactorial experiments for substantiation of technology of cultivating of agricultured crops on soil contaminated by heavy metals more