doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2015.5.550eng

UDC 633.11:631.52:575.167


V.P. Yakushev, I.M. Mikhailenko, V.A. Dragavtsev

Agrophysical Research Institute, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations,
14, Grazhdanskii prosp., St. Petersburg, 195220 Russia,

Received April 26, 2015


The authors consider new approaches to cereal yield increasing by relevant agro-techno-logies and breeding methods. Earlier it was shown that the yield of agrophytocenosis is determined by seven genetic and physiological systems, the GPS (A.B. Dyakov and V.A. Dragavtsev, 1994), the breeders are de facto faced to increase the crop yield. There was the first genotyping of each GPS of productivity which showed the ways to optimal strategy of yield management via GPS. In this paper for the first time it is shown that effect of some systems can be increased both by agro-technological and breeding methods. In the future the agro-technologies should be improved by the development of precise agriculture. In this, it is necessary to provide i) monitoring of phytocenoses, ii) indication of limiting factors for each stage of ontogenesis which impact the traits starting their development, iii) development of new agro-methods precisely influencing the phytocenosis by biologicals which can level the negative effects of specific limiting factors. In other words, «phase-specific agro-techno-logies» must be developed to protect sensitive phases of plant ontogenesis. To obtain maximal effect from precise breeding technologies, it is necessary to create mathematic models allowing to estimate quantitatively haw each GPS contributes to yield increasing at each stage of ontogenesis. Moreover, these models should be further used both in classical field breeding and, most effectively, in special phytotron where the dynamics of environment limiting factors typical for the territory of interest can be simulated. On the base of first created models the important quantitative algorithms for breeders were suggested which provide rapid identification of individual genotypes by their phenotypes and optimal selection of the parents to predict and obtain the transgressions (for self-pollinated plants). In this paper it is shown that, though certain GPSs can be improved both by agro-technologies and breeding, there are some traits which can be changed only by breeding. Analysis of unique breeding results of V.S. Pustovoyt, P.P. Lukyanenko and Norman E. Borlaug showed the GPSs improved by these great breeders and those ones unimproved. Breeding and agro-technology programs for each GPS must result in further yield increase. The paper summarizes the perspectiveness of hormones used during different phases of ontogenesis to deepen roots into soil, to increase attraction and to improve stress tolerance. Agro-technologies and breeding technologies must work together, because the high genetic potential of newly bred varieties can not be realized with improper agro-technology, and, in contrary, the best agro-technology will be limited by low potency of the variety. Modern agro-physical equipment (in particular, special phytotron accelerating breeding process), IT-techno-logies, mathematical modeling used to control crop yields are the main factors for optimal team-work of agro-technologists and breeders with the view of effective agriculture in Russia.

Keywords: agro-technologies, breeding, reserves of cereal yield increase in Russia.


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