Chirkov S.N., Prikhod’ko Yu.N. Genetic diversity and population structure of Plum pox virus in Russia (review) далее

Karpun N.N., Yanushevskaya E.B., Mikhailova Ye.V. Formation of plants nonspecific induced immunity at the biogenous stress (review) далее

Yakushev V.P., Mikhailenko I.M., Dragavtsev V.A. Reserves of agro-technologies and breeding for cereal yield increasing in the Russian Federation далее

Shmykova N.A., Suprunova T.P., Pivovarov V.F. Biotechnologies and molecular methods in vegetable crop breeding (to 95th Anniversary of VNIISSOK) далее

Chesnokov Yu.V., Artemyeva A.M. Evaluation of the measure of polymorphism information of genetic diversity далее

Maletskii S.I., Yudanova S.S.. Maletskaya E.I. Analysis of epigenomic and epiplastome variability in the haploid and dihaploid sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants далее

Dragavtsva I.A., Dragavtsev V.A., Efimova I.L. et al. The assessment of the variety and rootstock genotypes interaction in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) grafted trees using biometric methods далее

Radenovich Ch., Delich N., SechanskyM. et al. Maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines and hybrids of Serbian selection with high efficiency of photosynthesis, rich in pigment content and increased nutritive value далее

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Chalaya L.D., Prichko T.G. Changes of active compounds in apricot fruits caused by storage depend on characteristic features of varieties далее

Gins M.S., Gins V.K., Kononkov P.F. et al. Phenolic compounds and fructosans inyacon (Polymnia sonchifolia Poepp. & Endl.) cultivar introduced in Ukraine, and in other Asteraceae plants as influenced by growth conditions, viral and phytophage injury далее

Sedov E.N., Makarkina M.A., Sedysheva G.A. et al. 60 year bred conveyor of apple varieties, their resistance to scab and biochemical characteristics of fruits далее 

Levitin M.M. Microorganisms and global climate change далее

Chebotar’ V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Shcherbakova E.N. et al. Biodiversity of endophytic bacteria as a promising biotechnological resource далее

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Rabinovich G.Yu., Kovalev N.G., Smirnova Yu.D. Application of new biofertilizers and biological products in the cultivation of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) далее

Roumiantseva M.L., Stepanova G.V., Kurchak O.N. et al. Selection of salt tolerant alfalfa (Medicago L.) plants from different varieties and their morfo biological and symbiotic properties analysis далее

Grishechkina S.D. Mechanism and activity spectrum of microbiological preparation Batsikol with phytoprotective action далее

Dobrokhotov S.A., Anisimov A.I., Grishechkina S.D. et al. The main pests microbiological control in vegetable, baccate crops and potato in Leningrad Province далее