doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.1.29eng

UDC 632.937.15:579.64



Ò.Ì. Sidorova, À.Ì. Asaturova, A.I. Homyak

All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection, Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, 39, Krasnodar, 350039 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,

Sidorova Ò.Ì.
Asaturova À.Ì.
Homyak A.I.

Received January 30, 2017


The use of nonpathogenic soil bacteria living in association with the roots of higher plants enhances the adaptive potential of the hosts, stimulates their growth and serves as a promising alternative to chemical pesticides (V.K. Chebotar’ et al., 2015). The bacterium Bacillus subtilis is recognized as a powerful biocontrol tool because of suppression of a wide range of phytopathogens due to the ability to produce a variety of secondary metabolites of different chemical nature, e.g. cyclic lipopeptides, polypeptides, proteins and nonpeptidic compounds (T. Stein, 2005). Information on the structure of bioactive metabolites of bacterial antagonists of phytopathogens, as well as mechanisms of their biological activity promotes targeted selection of strains for the development of microbiological products. B. subtilis is widely distributed due to the ability to form biofilms (A.L. McLoon et al., 2011). The chemical composition of compounds produced by the bacteria is determined by genetic characteristics and physical and chemical conditions of the environment. The cyclic lipopeptide surfactin exhibits antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal) activity, causing lysis of the cell, and also contributes to a decrease in the production of mycotoxins by microorganisms (M. Mohammadipour et al., 2009). The structure of another peptide metabolite, rizocticin, promotes penetration into the microbial cell and inhibition of protein synthesis (K. Kino et al., 2009). B. subtilis can produce various hydrolytic enzymes which lyse the phytopathogenic fungus cell wall (C.P. Quardros et al., 2011). Among the metabolites synthesized by bacteria, lantibiotics play important role, their structure allows the synthesis of peptidoglycan which contributes to the formation of pores in cytoplasmic membrane (J. Parisot et al., 2008). A large family of polyketones exhibits antimicrobial activity due to the ability to collect multifunctional polypeptides into large pesticide complexes. The phospholipid antibiotic bacilizycin, which is produced immediately after the growth ceases and before the formation of thermostable spores, exhibits fungicidal activity against some fungi (A. Hamdache et al., 2011). Some strains of B. subtilis synthesize polyene antibiotics with conjugated double bonds, for example, hexaenes which inhibit growth of phytopathogenic fungi (E.B. Kudryashova et al., 2005). Several soil microorganisms, including strains of B. subtilis, can synthesize gibberellins and gibberellin-like substances that stimulate plant growth (R. Aloni et al., 2006). Proteins, lipopeptides, polysaccharides and other compounds associated with the B. subtilis cell wall can trigger the protective mechanism of the plant, that is, act as elicitors (M. Ongena et al., 2007). Thus, research aimed at studying biologically active metabolites of B. subtilis, which possess the properties of biopesticides or inducers of plant resistance to diseases, opens new prospects for the development of environmentally friendly technologies for protection against phytopathogens.

Keywords: biological control, Bacillus subtilis, metabolites, antimicrobial activity, biopreparation, phytopathogens, system resistance.


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