doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.6.100eng

UDC 619:[577.2+615.9


V.A. Likholobov1, Yu.N. Fedorov2, L.G. P'yanova1, L.K. Gerunova3, T.I. Dolgikh4, T.V. Gerunov3

1Institute of Hydrocarbon Processing, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
54, ul. Neftezavodskaya, Omsk-40, 644040 Russia,
2All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Biological Products, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
17, pos. Biokombinata, Shchelkovo Region, Moscow Province, 141142 Russia,
3P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University,
92, ul. Oktyabrskaya, Omsk, 644122 Russia,
4Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation,,
15, ul. 20 let RKKA, Omsk, 644001 Russia,

Received August 20, 2013

In animals and humans after a contact with pesticides, there is a risk of immunotoxic effects, which causes the secondary immunodeficiencies. The pesticide load on the organism makes it difficult to conduct the serological indication of infectious diseases, becoming a cause of false positive or negative results. The treatment of intoxication is based on the methods of efferent, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy. We investigated the modified carbon enterosorbent, obtained after impregnating a 15 % solution of arginine, on the model objects (laboratory mongrel male rats with the mass of 180-200 g). Enterosorbtion was appointed 2 days after the intoxication, when the absorption of pesticide from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood stream has occurred. Thus, it was possible to evaluate immunocorrecting effects of the modified sorbent, which were caused not by sorbtion of toxicant in the gastrointestinal tract, but by its influence on the intensity of enterohepatic and enterogematic pesticide circulation. It was established that the intoxication of rats with deltametrin in the dose of 17.4 mg/kg (1/5 LD50) caused the rise of the IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α and lactoferrine levels in blood. Participation in formation of a cascade of inflammatory reactions is a common property of this group of immunoregulatory molecules. But under the excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the undesirable processes accompanied with the hypercatabolic and hyperdynamic effects become dominant. The increase of serum lactoferrine concentration in animals exposed to deltametrin may be regarded as a result of inflammatory process. The arginine-modified carbon sorbent used for enterosorbtion leveled the described changes.

Keywords: deltamethrin, proinflammatory cytokines, lactoferrin, modified carbon enterosor-bent, arginine, enterosorbtion, immunotherapy.


Full article (Rus)



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