doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2016.5.664eng
UDC 633.1:579.64
The equipment of ARRIAM Center for Genome Technologies, Proteomics and Cell Biology (St. Petersburg) was used.
Supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant № 14-26-00094).
O.V. Sviridova1, N.I. Vorobyov1, N.A. Provorov1, O.V. Orlova1,
I.V. Rusakova2,
E.E. Andronov1, V.N. Pishchik3, A.A. Popov1,
Yu.V. Kruglov1
1All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 3, sh. Podbel’skogo, St. Petersburg, 196608 Russia,
2All-Russian Research Institute for Organic Fertilizers and Peat, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 2, ul. Pryanishnikova., pos. Vyatkino, Sudogodskii Region, Vladimir Province, Russia 601390,
3Agrophysical Research Institute, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 14, Grazhdanskii pr., St. Petersburg, Russia 195220,
Received November 20, 2015
Modern agriculture is developing in the direction of producing consistently high yields and high quality seed production. In this regard, the precision agricultural technologies are develop for the leveling a soil conditions. Individual phenotypic characteristics of plant are determined by the local soil conditions near their root’s systems. As a result, the variance of plant’s height is dependent on the spatial distribution of energy resources and nutrients in the soil. The variance of plant's height restricted to the genetic norm for this characteristic and it can been reduced when a soil conditions are leveled. In experiments with planting alfalfa was been shown, that the variance of plant’s mass may decrease with an increase in the efficiency of plant-microbial symbiosis. Perhaps the plant-microbial symbiosis is able to level a soil conditions and selectively stimulate the plants by using of the microbial metabolites. We assume that the effect of microbiological leveling soil conditions (MLSC) may be observed during destruction of plant’s residues using microbial preparation. Previously, MLSC effect has not studied. Therefore, these theoretical and experimental researches are new. In addition, we have obtained new practically important results thanks to the use of the original fractal analysis of molecular-genetic data of the soil microbial community. The goal of this work was experimental and theoretical study of MPSC effect arising after destruction of plant’s residues with the using of the microbial preparations, which was been developed in the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology. To achieve this goal were used the data of two experiments. In the first experiment, the variances of the barley plant’s height were been investigated after the destruction of plant residues using a microbial preparation Barkon. Out the second experiment used data of the molecular-genetic analysis of soil microbial communities after the destruction of plant’s residues using three microbial preparations: Barkon, Bags and Omug. The preparation Barkon contains the consortium of bacteria and fungi; Bugs is a consortium of cellulolytic organisms, derived from biologically active soil; Omug is the microbial fertilizer obtained after biotechnological processing of poultry manure. The functional activity of microbial networks arising during the destruction of plant’s residues with using of microbial preparations was been studied using fractal analysis of molecular genetic data of microbial communities in soil. With using of the fractal analysis was been obtained the fractal taxonomic portrait of microbial communities and the index of the functional efficiency of microbial network formations, which were formed during destruction of plant’s residues. The first experiment showed that the using of preparations for the destruction of plant's residues leads to a gradual leveling of the soil’s conditions and to reducing of the variance of plant's heights, which were been grown on these soils. Without these preparations, the dispersion of plant's heights increases with each successive year. From this, it follows that these preparations may initiate the effective microbial networks that are able to save the energy resources and the nutrients distributing them evenly in the soil. The molecular-genetic data from second experiment confirmed that the functional efficiency of the microbial networks after using preparations significantly increases due to better organization of destructive processes. The results of this study suggest that the destruction of plant’s residues by using of the special preparations is a necessary and effective complement of the modern precision agro technologies. Thus, the microbial preparations for destruction plant's residues start processes which lead to the restoration of the required level of energy resources and nutrients in the soil, to the leveling of resources in soil's space, to the increasing the stability of yields and to the improving the quality of plant’s products.
Keywords: the destruction of plant’s residues with using of the microbial preparations; the microbial destructive communities in the soil; the dispersion of the individual heights of plants, the fractal-taxonomic portrait of the microbial community; the index of the functional efficiency of microbial networks.
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