UDC 631.52:575:58.084


Yu.V. Chesnokov, A.M. Artem’eva

This article gives a definition of the approach, based on association mapping during genetic researches. The authors make a comparison of this method with traditional method of quantitative trait loci mapping method (QTL). The main stages of QTL-mapping are briefly presented, the conception of nonequilibrium linkage is described. In detail the principle has been given of association mapping — the current method of DNA-genotyping. Based on concrete examples it has been shown that association mapping allows not only to do analysis, classification and group formation of natural and breeding population (wild species, primitive forms, varieties, lines), conserved in Gene Banks of plant genetic resources, but more effective use them in practical breeding with the aim of crops improving.

Keywords: linkage disequilibrium, association mapping, plants, practice.

ГНУ Всероссийский НИИ растениеводства
им. Н.И. Вавилова Россельхозакадемии,
197000  г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Большая Морская, 42-44,
e-mail: yu.chesnokov@vir.nw.ru; akme11@yandex.ru

Received July 25, 2011
