Laptev G.Yu., Yildirim E.A., Dunyashev T.P. et al. Biodiversity and predicted metabolic functions of the rumen microbiota depending on feeding habits at different stages of the physiological cycle of dairy cows |
Barkova O.Yu., Krutikova A.A., Dementyevа N.V. A polymorphism analysis of dysferlin gene locus in chicken gene pool |
Fisinin V.I., Selionova M.I., Kovalev D.A. et al. Genetic differentiation of turkey breeds with microsatellite markers |
Yildirim E.A., Grozina A.A., VertiprakhovV.G. et al. Effect of T-2 toxin on expression of genes associated with immunity in tissues of the blind processes of the intestinal and pancreas of broilers (Gallus gallus L.) |
Vertiprakhov V.G., Grozina A.A., Gogina N.N. et al. The intestinal T-2 and HT-2 toxins, intestinal and fecal digestive enzymes, morphological and biochemical blood indices in broilers (Gallus gallus L.) with experimentally induced T-2 toxicosi |
Nefedchenko A.V., Glotov A.G., Koteneva S.V. et al. Detection and quantitative assessment of viral and bacterial pathogens in bovine respiratory diseases by real-time-qPCR |
Neustroev M.P., Petrova S.G., Elbyadova E.I. et al. Identification of new isolates of the horse strangles causative agent in Northern Siberia |
Kuznetsov Yu.E., Belova L.M., Gavrilova N.A. et al. Epizootic monitoring of protozoozes in the fur farms of the Kaliningrad region (2018-2020 |
Abilov A.I., Kombarova N.A., Amerkhanov Kh.A. et al. Metabolic profiles and sperm production in imported Holstein bull sires under different climatic and geochemical conditions of Russia and Kazakhstan |
Mamontova Т.V., Selionova M.I., Aybazov А.-М.М. Sexual activity and sperm production of Charolais and Ile-de-France rams in different seasons of the year |
Shabunin S.V., Vostroilova G.A., Parshin P.A. et al. Anticlastogenic activity of aminoseleton under the effect of cyclophosphamide on the bone marrow of mice |
Pushkarev I.A., Afanasyeva A.I., Kureninova T.V. et al. Metabolic status and milk productivity of cows injected with a tissue biostimulant derived from reindeer husbandry waste |
Fisinin V.I., Saleeva I.P., Osmanyan A.K. et al. Histostructure of the tracheal wall of broiler chickens depending on air circulation conditions in closed poultry houses |
Kavtarashvili A.Sh. Quality parameters in eggs of layer cross Hisex Brown as affected by the oviposition time |
Staroverova I.N., Maksimov V.I., Balakirev N.A. et al. Relationship of dielectric properties of the hair cover with its morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics in farmed fur-bearing animals |