doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2020.4.750eng

UDC: 636.4:591.1:636.084

Supported financially by Russian Science Foundation, project No. 19-16-00068



Yu.P. Fomichev1, N.V. Bogolyubova1, R.V. Nekrasov1, M.G. Chabaev1, R.A. Rykov1, A.A. Semenova2

1Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry, 60, pos. Dubrovitsy, Podolsk District, Moscow Province, 142132 Russia, e-mail, (✉ corresponding author),,,;
2Gorbatov Federal Center for Food Systems RAS, 26, ul. Talalikhina, Moscow, 109316 Russia, e-mail

Fomichev Yu.P.
Chabaev M.G.
Bogolyubova N.V.
Rykov R.A.
Nekrasov R.V.
Semenova A.A.

Received February 5, 2020

Intensive livestock technologies do not fit well with the physiology of domestic species and put farm animals at risk of various health problems and disorders, which most negatively affects highly productive animals with intensive metabolism. Feed antioxidants might be a solution to improve productive health, adaptive capabilities and stress resistance of livestock. The outcome of adaptogen application depends on thorough elucidation of mechanisms of their action on physiological and biochemical processes in the body compromised by stress. Our study imitated social stress (modeled stress, MS) as the most common in intensive livestock to compare two dietary antioxidant additives of different origin and chemical composition. Thirty-six hybrid boars F2 (Large White × Landrace) × Duroc aged 103 days (35 kg live weight) were assigned for four treatments (9 animals per each): 1 — control without MS, 2 — control with MS, 3 — MS + proteinate Se (PSe) (B-TRAXIM Selenium-11, PANCOSMA CANADA, Inc.; 0.2 mg a.i. per 1 kg feed), and 4 — MS + dihydroquercetin (DHQ) Ekostimul-2 drug (ООО Ametic, Russia; 32 mg a.i. per 1 kg feed). To simulate social stress, boars were moved every 14 days within the group to change the neighbors. Blood for assay was sampled three times over the trial from five boars of each group. With age, the blood cortisol level was revealed first to decrease by 36.8. 22.5, 41.3 and 52.8 % from the initial values in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, though by the end of the final feeding there was a 46.4; 37.4; 8.1 and 60.4 % increase in the parameter. The cortisol concentration was the highest in group 3 (MS + PSe) during intensive growth (282 nmol/l vs. 211 and 214 nmol/l for groups 1 and 2). In groups 1, 2 (MS), and 3 (MS + PSe), the cortisol concentration reached 309, 294 and 305 nmol/l by the end of feeding. Blood cortisol level was the lowest in group 4 (+ DHQ), 134 nmol/l (p = 0.07 compared to group 2) at intensive growth and 215 nmol/l at final fattening, corresponding with TBK AP levels which were also 6.7 and 12.3 % lower, respectively. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity also altered. In group 1, LDH activity decreased from 459.4 to 377.5 IU/l over the trial. The same pattern was characteristic of group 4 (MS + DHQ). In group 2 (MS) and group 3 (MS + PSe), LDH activity declined to 317.0 and 289.3 IU/l by the end of feeding, which was 16.0 (p < 0.01) and 23.4 % (p < 0.01) less than in group 1. In group 4, the index, being constantly decreasing over the trial as in group 1, remained 15.0, 7.0 (p = 0.06 compared to control group 2 with MS) and 2.7 % lower than in groups 1, 2 and 3. The MS lowered the blood glucose concentration by 13.8 % (p < 0.05) compared to control 1 during the final fattening period. In group 3, this indicator as influenced by MS was also 7.4 % lower (p < 0.05), but due to PSe, a 7.4 % increase occurred compared to control group 2. Dietary DHQ led to the leveling of negative effects of MS, which, together with low cortisol indices in this group, stabilized the blood glucose concentration at the control level without MS in group 1. The DHQ was found to also contribute to a 25 % (p <0.01) increase in blood triglycerides during final fattening compared to group 1 without stress. Pigs also differed in pathogenetic resistance. MS mobilized the cellular immunity through an increase in phagocytic activity PA (p < 0.05), phagocytic index PI (p < 0.001), and phagocytic number PN (p < 0.05) in control group 2 at the end of the test. PSe and DHQ normalized these indicators compared to control (group 2) practically to the control values without MS (p < 0.01 for PI; p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 for PN, respectively). Thus, in animals fed adaptogens, the resistance indices at the end of the experiment corresponded to those in the control group 1, which indicates higher stress resistance, and DHQ additionally promoted humoral immunity as compared to the control group 1 (p < 0.05), which confirms the ability the adaptogens to enhance the body resistance to stress. Interestingly, despite the absence of statistically significant differences between most of the studied biochemical parameters (p > 0.05) which indicate a balanced animal diet, changes were noted that characterize the effect of the adaptogens under MS. In groups 2-4, blood phosphorus concentration was higher than in control group 1, 4.42 (p = 0.07), 4.52 (p = 0.1) and 4.64 mmol/l (p < 0.05) vs. 3.94 mmol/l. Thereof, the Ca/P ratio changed significantly during fattening. In group 2 (MS), group 3 (MS + PSe) and group 4 (MS + DHQ), the values 1.01 (p < 0.05), 0.99 (p < 0.05) and 0.89 (p < 0.001) vs. 1.15 in group 1 without stress. Blood morphology in pigs also changed as influenced by MS and the adaptogens. The counts of blood leukocytes in groups 2, 3 and 4 was 12.5; 5.4 and 6.1 % higher than in group 1 in the middle of fattening period, and 32.5 (p < 0.05), 40.1 (p < 0.05) and 21.7 % (p = 0.07) higher at the final fattening. A decrease in the number of erythrocytes and an increase in the hemoglobin amount in blood were characteristic of all groups. In general, by the end of feeding animals subjected to MS these two indicators were 6.6, 14.3, 9.7 % and 1.09, 6.09, 4.27 % higher than in group 1. An increase in blood erythrocytes (p < 0.05), hemoglobin (p < 0.05) and hematocrit (p < 0.01) in animals fed selenium vs. control group 2 indicates a decisive role of Se adaptogen as antioxidant during fattening. The observed changes were associated both with the action of cortisol generated by physiological stress, and with an increase in nonspecific resistance of boars due to the adaptogens. Importantly, the average daily weight gain in boars was close to that genetically conditioned for the genotype F2 (Large White × Landrace) × Duroc. As a result, over the entire period of the trial, groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 showed an average increase of 1047, 1035, 1003 and 1042 g, respectively, of which the weight gain was the greatest in control 1 (without stress) and in group 4 fed DHQ at MS. Thus, our findings give grounds for further studying effects of these feed adaptogens for their proper use in intensive industrial pig breeding.

Keywords: stress, pigs, adaptogens, antioxidants, dihydroquercetin, selenium, cortisol, lactate dehydrogenase, hematological indicators, creatine phosphokinase, TBA-active products, nonspecific resistance.



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