doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.4.762eng

UDC 639.3.034.2

This work was carried out using devices of Unique Scientific Installation Module Complex (USI-MC, SSC RAS) and Bio-resource Collection of Rare and Endangered Fish Species (SSC RAS) ¹ 73602.

Supported financially by Federal Program of Russian State Academies for 2013-2020, State Registration No 01201354245 (0256-2018-0007), and by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation (ÌÊ-115.2017.11)



A.A. Krasilnikova1, A.M. Tikhomirov2

1Federal Research Centre Southern Scientific Center RAS, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 41, ul. Chekhova, Rostov-on-Don, 344006 Russia,
e-mail (✉ corresponding author);
2Astrakhan State Technical University, 16, ul. Tatishcheva, Astrakhan, 414056 Russia, e-mail

Krasilnikova A.A.
Tikhomirov A.M.
The authors declare no conflict of interests

Received June 9, 2016


Cryopreservation of male reproductive cells is an important issue of genetic biodiversity conservation strategy and the development of fisheries and aquaculture. The use of cryopreserved semen in artificial reproduction and aquaculture will provide genetically diverse progeny, reduce area and the cost of maintaining male fishes, and, thereby, will allow rise in female herd abundance. Cryopreserved sperm can be used at any time, without risk of untimely maturing or improper quality. The data on the low-temperature preservation indicates that the long-term storage in liquid nitrogen does not significantly affect the safety of cells after freezing and thawing. The viability of cryopreserved sperm is usually confirmed by laboratory fertilization of caviar, without further observations of the obtained juveniles. This paper reports for the first time the behavioral response of pre-larvae, larvae, and juveniles of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii von Brandt & Ratzeburg 1833), obtained with the use of frozen-thawed sperm, and shows physiological fullness of the resulting progeny. The aim of this work was to compare quality of Russian sturgeon offspring as influenced by cryopreserved and native semen. In using frozen-thawed sperm stored 2 years in liquid nitrogen, the conception was 50 % compared to 80 % in the control insemination with native semen. The mortality rate for the whole period was 7 and 5 % in the test and the control groups, respectively. The obtained cryo-progeny was viable. One-day old pre-larvae, 8-day old larvae and 15-day old juveniles of the test group were superior in size and weight as compared to the control group. Behavioral responses of the offspring were evaluated in «open field» test which was carried out individually by placing an individual (pre-larvae, larvae, juveniles) in a special installation with coordinate grid. The pre-larvae activity was somewhat, but not significantly, higher in cryo-progeny. No differences were found between 8-day old larvae in the response to irritants, except bright light (ð ≤ 0.05). In 15-day old juveniles, the response was adequate in both groups. Basal activity and reactivity differed significantly (ð ≤ 0.05) in both groups. So, cryopreserved sperm led to some morphometric advantage in the progeny compared to the individuals produced by conventional methods, and some advantages were found in the response to irritants, however, on the whole, the differences were not significant. A small alteration may be due to the difference in frozen cell subpopulations. Thus, frozen semen contributes to young fish vitality and may be recommended for artificial reproduction and aquaculture.

Keywords: sturgeons, Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, sperm, cryopreservation, cryo-progeny, pre-larvae, larvae, juveniles, behavior.


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