doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.3.12eng

UDC 632.9:574.472(571.1)


E.Yu. Toropova1, I.G. Vorob'eva 2, V.A. Chulkina1, E.Yu. Marmuleva1

1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University,
160, ul. Dobrolyubova, Novosibirsk, 630039 Russia,
2Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation,
26, prosp. Karla Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630087 Russia,

Received November 21, 2012

The ecological compatibility of plant cultivation technologies involves the ecological management not only in the agrocenosis, but also in adjacent to them nature stations constituent the agrolandscapes. Phytosanitarian situation in modern agroecosystems of Western Siberia requires a stabilization on two the most numerous and harmful ecological groups of damaging organisms — soil-inhabiting or root-tuberous, and surface-inhabiting or leaf-stem. In the forest-steppe zone of Novosibirsk oblast’ and Altai the authors estimated a phytosanitarian state of the plants and a soil in the conditions of factory farms. It was shown, that the mechanisms of realization of biological variety creation considerably differ for ecological groups of soil-born and air-born harmful organisms. For soil-born species it is effectively to create a biological variety in time by alternation of crops in rotations, and for air-born — mosaic distribution of different plant species in space.

Keywords: agrarian landscape, crop rotation, phytosanitary predecessor, crops' mixture, biological variety, plant protection.


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