doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.3.51eng

UDC 634.11:631.527


R.S. Shidakov1, A.S. Shidakova2, Yu.A. Kardanova2, I.A. Attoev1

1V.M. Kokov Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian Academy,
1a, prosp. Lenina, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, 360030 Russia,
2North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mounting Horticulture, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
4, ul. Kalyuzhnogo, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, 360030 Russia

Received December 2, 2012

The health-resort zones with their commercial interest and the absence of ecology protective technologies of cultivation of fruit trees require the creation of new apple-trees sorts, the cultivation of which is possible without using harmful for local people and guests chemicals. To that end the workers of the SKNIIGPS carry out the crosses with the use of different genoplasms of resistant to tetter and farinaceous dew sorts of fruit trees. The variegated on genotypic features hybrid population was obtained, from of which such elites are №№ 3-1-6; 3-1-9; 3-1-30; 3-2-20; 3-2-44; 3-3-9; 3-3-16; 3-6-18 and 3-8-20 (Rassfet, Sharp-eyed, Wish, Heathy, Sataney, Beauty, Dew), Daughter-in-law and Sipsa) with necessary determinants and properties was isolated. The isolated elites combine the resistance to mycogenous diseases with high commercial qualities of fruits and are suitable for cultivation by the nature guarding technology. 

Keywords: immunity, apple-tree, variety.


Full article (Rus)



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