doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.2.347eng
UDC: 619:578:57.083.2:577.2
A.V. Sprygin, Ya.E. Pestova, E.S. Kostrova, S.V. Kononova,
O.P. Byadovskaya, T.V. Zhbanova, A.V. Kononov
Federal Center for Animal Health Control, FGBU VNIIZZh, mkr. Yurievets, Vladimir, 600901 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,,,,,
Sprygin A.V.
Byadovskaya O.P.
Pestova Ya.E.
Zhbanova T.V.
Kostrova E.S.
Kononov A.V.
Kononova S.V.
Received September 25, 2018
The cattle and sheep industry is economically important for sustainable growth. However, the increasing demand for livestock products drives animal population growth and risks for infection diseases. Lumpy skin disease (LSD) has recently expanded its historical range northward reaching countries that were never affected before. Prior to 2015 the territory of the Russian Federation was free of lumpy skin disease, whereas by 2017 Turkey, Serbia, Greece, Azerbaijan have reported incursions of this virus. Not only lumpy skin disease but also sheep pox has increased in incidence. Given this scenario, timely detection of these pathogens is key towards successful control and eradication. Moreover, diagnostic tools should detect both LSDV genome in the face of the use of live vaccine LSD virus strains and distinguish between the two. In this paper we report the development of a set of one-run real-time PCR assays to detect and differentiate between Capripoxvirus genome, field and vaccine LSD virus genomes. The assay for field LSD virus targets the 27 bp deletion in ORF126, the assay for vaccine LSD virus targets genetic signatures unique to Neethling vaccine strains, and the capripoxvirus assay targets the conserved P32 gene. The assays proved highly sensitive and specific. The set of PCRs was validated against a panel of 596 samples collected in the field, including whole blood, serum, skin lesions, nasal and ocular discharge, milk, lymph nodes, lungs, trachea, spleen and aborted calves. Using the assays reported here some samples obtained as part of national surveillance for LSD virus from animals exhibiting clinical signs consistent with LSDV turned out to be positive for vaccine LSD virus genome in 2017. This vaccine strain is highly likely to have derived from commercial live-attenuated vaccines against LSD virus. The way of introduction of a vaccine LSD virus strain into Russian cattle remains to be investigated.
Keywords: lumpy skin disease, vaccine, diagnostics, real-time PCR, genome, virus.
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