doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.2.227eng

UDC: 636.4:636.082:577.2

The equipment of the Center for Biological Resources and Bioengineering of Farm Animals (Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry)was used to conduct the study.

The studies were performed with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a unique project number RFMEFI60417X0182.



E.E. Melnikova, N.V. Bardukov, M.S. Fornara, O.V. Kostyunina, A.A. Sermyagin, G. Brem, N.A. Zinovieva

Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry,60, pos. Dubrovitsy, Podolsk District, Moscow Province, 142132 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,,,,,

KMelnikova E.E.
Sermyagin A.A.
Bardukov N.V.
Brem G.
Fornara M.S.
Zinovieva N.A.
Kostyunina O.V.

Received December 25, 2018


The genetic progress by low-inherited reproduction traits in pigs can be increased by integrating into breeding programs the DNA markers, which are associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) of reproductive qualities (marker selection, MAS). The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of DNA markers IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2), ECR F18/FUT1 (Escherichia coli F18 receptor), ESR (estrogen receptor) and MUC4 (mucin 4) on the fertility traits of Large White and Landrace sows. The studied traits included the total number of piglets born per litter (TNB); number of piglets born alive per litter (NBA); average birth weight (BW) and adjusted birth weight (BWadj); weight at weaning at 21 days (WW) and adjusted weight at weaning at 21 days (WWadj). The genotypes frequencies of the analyzed markers were determined. Besides we identified significant deviations of the genotype frequencies from the population equilibrium for Large White breed by the IGF2 gene (p < 0.01) and Landrace breed by the IGF2 (p < 0.01), ECR F18/FUT1 (p < 0.01) and MUC4 (p < 0.001). The homozygosity coefficient according to Robertson (Ca) was the highest for genotypes for IGF2 and ECR F18/FUT1. The values of this parameters reached 0.76 and 0.65 for Large White breed against 0.60 and 0.72 for Landrace breed, respectively. We calculated the heritability coefficients for the analyzed traits, which were 0.165-0.179 for TNB, 0.100-0.155 for NBA, 0.232-0.338 for BW, and 0.010-0.115 for WW. Based on the developed equations, breeding values of pigs were determined using the BLUP AM method. The IGF2 marker showed a significant effect on the weight at weaning for Landrace sows (PHEWW, PHEWWadj, EBVWW); individuals with genotypes AA and AG were the best. The genotype for ECR F18/FUT1 significantly influenced the phenotype and breeding value of sows for the number of piglets born and for the birth weight of piglets. Sows with the AA genotype were characterized by a lower number of piglets born (by 8.0-8.5 %), and by a higher average birth weight (by 2.0-3.0 %). The significant effects of the ESR on TNB and NBA and on EBV values for birth weight were revealed: the sows of both breeds with CC genotype for ESR were characterized by highest average piglet weight at birth. We found the significant effect of MUC4 on birth weight of piglets for both breeds. Sows with CC and CG genotypes were superior comparing to individuals, which are homozygous for the G allele. Thus, using the marker assisted selection along with traditional methods for assessing the genetic potential of pigs (BLUP AM) will significantly improve the efficiency of breeding measures on the fertility traits.

Keywords: pigs, Large White breed, Landrace, IGF2, ECR F18/FUT1, ESR, MUC4, linear regression, fertility traits, estimated breeding values, marker assisted selection.




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