doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.2.414eng
UDC 636.2:619:618:579.62:615.331
A.G. Shakhov, L.Yu. Sashnina, T.A. Yerina
All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy RAAS, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 114-b, ul. Lomonosova, Voronezh, 394087 Russia, e-mail✉ corresponding author),
Shakhov A.G.
Yerina T.A.
Sashnina L.Yu.
Received January 26, 2016
Postpartum endometritis prophylaxis in high producing dairy cows in the intensive animal husbandry is an urgent one because of great economic losses resulted from the productive function disorder, decreased performance and premature culling. Opportunistic pathogenic microflora and disbacteriosis may cause postpartum endometritis along with specific infections. Potentially dangerous pathogenic bacteria from cows with gynecological pathology contaminate the calves at birth, causing gastrointestinal diseases. Various pharmaceuticals and biologicals could be used to prevent postpartum endometritis, including those providing antioxidative effects, immunomodulatory activity, normalization of hormonal and metabolic status in cows’ genitals and uterine involution. Antibiotics are in most common use, though their frequent application is accompanied by microecological disorders. Probiotics are considered as a perspective alternative to antibiotics for correcting genital microflora in calving cows. In the paper we report a study of the impact of probiotics Giprolam and Simbiter-2 on microflora of down-calving cows’ birth canal in view to prevent postpartum endometritis and intestinal disorders in calves. Thirty-six red-and-white cows with milk yield of 5100-5400 kg for previous lactation were chosen. The cows of the group 1 (n = 12) and group 2 (n = 12) have received Giprolam and Simbiter-2, respectively, for 5-7 days prior to calving every 24 hours, 100 cm3 intravaginally. The cows of the group 3 (n = 12) served as a control (no probiotics). Clinical observations were carried out in mother cows for 14 days after calving, and in the calves during colostrum period. Indigenous and opportunistic microflora was studied in the birth canal before and after calving, in colostrum and in large intestine in the calves. Bacteriologic examination of cervical mucus, reproductive tract discharge, colostrum, excrement, as well as cultural, morphological and biochemical study were performed traditionally. The efficacy of probiotic treatment has been stated. The experiments showed that Giprolam and Simbiter-2 in 71.4 % and 85.8 % cases, respectively, could effectively provide a physiological level of postpartum indigenous microflora, prevent colonization of the reproductive tract by opportunistic and pathogenic microflora and restrict postpartum endometritis. The mother cow treatment with Giprolam and Simbiter-2 could also prevent gastrointestinal diseases in 50.0 % and 41.7 % of the calves, respectively. The high potency of these probiotics is due to lactic acid bacteria capable of genital tract colonization, providing optimal indigenous microflora level and the resistance of the genital tract to harmful microflora.
Keywords: cows, microflora of maternal passages, microflora of colostrum, microflora of intestine in calves, probiotics, postpartum endomitritis, prophylaxis.
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