Kosovsky G.Yu., Kornienko E.V., Glazko V.I. Aspects of somatic cloning in mammalian species: achievements, opportunities, and obstacles (review) more 

Miftakhutdinov A.V. Experimental approaches to stress diagnostics in poultry (review) more

Pobednov Yu.A., Kosolapov V.M. Biological bases of grass silage and haylage making (review) more

Zinovieva N.A., Melerzanov A.V., Petersen  E.V. et al. Application of GAL-KO transgenic pigs in xenotransplantation: problems and prospects for the future more

Mikhailenko I.M. Computerized control of animal health as the basic strategy to optimize reproduction in dairy livestock more

Amerkhanov Kh.A., Abilov A.I., Eskin G.V. Concentration of testosterone and cholesterol in blood serum of servicing bulls depending on their type of productivity, age and the season 

Smirnova E.V., Nezhdanov A.G., Retsky M.I. et al. The metabolic profile of late pregnant cows of various ethological activity types more

Sereda Т.I., Derkho M.A. The role of aminotrasferase activity in hen productivity more

Sarukhanov V.Ya., Konyukhov G.V., Kolganov I.M. Estimation of radiosensitivity in pigs using body weight and an adjusting coefficient more

Musakhanov A.T. Seasonal parameters of the Kazakh meat-wool sheep body weight under different pasturing more

Eskov E.K., Eskova M.D., Spasik S.E. Influence of temperature on body weight and water content in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) under an anesthesia with carbon dioxide more

Lenchenko E.M., Mansurova E.A., Motorygin A.V. Characterization of toxigenic Enterobacteriaceae from farm animals with gastrointestinal
diseases more

Shakhov A.G., Sashina L.Yu., Fedosov D.V. Intestinal microbiosis in hypotrophic milk-fed calves more

Sobolev V.E., Zhdanov S.I. Cystitis: an etiological factor for syndrome of urinary incontinence in fur bearing animals more

Parakhin N.V., Osin Al.A., Donskaya M.V. Elevation of soybean productivity and grain quality due to intesification of nitrogen fixation more

Vilichko A.K., Baryshnev Y.P., Sudakov V.L. Equipment and technology for production of vitamin green fodder more