doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.2.88eng

UDC 636.4:636.084:599.11


E.G. Krasnova, I.N. Medvedev

Kursk Institute of Social Education (Branch of the Russian State Social University),
51, ul. K. Marksa, Kursk, 305029 Russia,

Received August 27, 2012


The survey of 34 healthy piglets of the Large White breed at 41-240 days of life revealed the lowering in concentration of lipid peroxidation products in their blood serum against the background of the increasing the antioxidant potential activity in their plasma. It was shown, that low levels of endotheliazitemia with all tested inductors and their combinations result in raising the indices of antiaggregatory activity of the vascular wall. The piglets endotheliocytes were characterized by increased production, which provides the necessary antitrombin III level in their blood anticoagulants vascular origin. The secretion of tissue plasminogen activators identified when creating temporary cerebral venous wall in piglets of this age has grown.

Keywords: piglets, power plant phase, early ontogeny, hemostasis, vascular wall, lipid peroxidation.


Full article (Rus)



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