doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.2.103eng

UDC 633.1/.2:581.132:631.559.2:631.461.5


A.S. Kononov

I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University,
14. ul. Bezhitskaya, Bryansk, 241036 Russia,

Received March 15, 2011


The intensity of photosynthesis was estimated in mixed lupine-cereals sowing, including the seed treatment by nodule bacteria and associative microorganisms. It was established, that the photosynthesis intensity in legumes-cereals heterogeneous agrocenosis is higher, than it is in homospecific sowing. After seed inoculation by nodule and associative rhizobacteria in mixed lupine-barley sowing the photosynthesis intensity increases also. The chlorophyll content in barley leaves increased to 1.6-fold their values without application of bacterial preparations. In mixed sowing the nitrogen part, absorbed by barley from lupine roots, is more 25 % from total nitrogen volume, obtained by cereal crop. 

Keywords: Lupinus angustifolius, nitrogen fixation, rhizobacteria, photosynthesis, mixed crops, chlorophyll.


Full article (Rus)



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