Buravtsev V.N., Krylova N.P. Role of meadow and pasture cenosis in phytomelioration in connection with global warming effect more

Karashaev M.F. To the question about functional respiration system in animals (review) more

Grushkin A.G., Shevelev N.S. About morphofunctional features of rumen microbiota in ruminant animals and the role of celluloselytic bacteria in ruminal digestion more

Ermolova L.S., Ermolov I.A., Batchaev R.I. e.a. Content of rumen in herbivorous animals as promising source of biologically active addition for functional nutrition more

Fomichev K.A., Malevski T., Kaminski S. e.a. Construction of the contiguum of genomic clones of casein genes cluster in cattle more

Khrabrova L.A., Zaitseva M.A., Kalinkova L.V. Genetic differentiation of thoroughbred horses on microsatellite loci more

Shuaibov T.M., Serdyuk G.N., Bakharchiev Sh.Z. Estimation of genetic structure of populations on immunogenetic markers during selection of breed groups of zebu-like dairy cattle more

Ernst L.K., Volkova N.A., Klenovitskii P.M. e.a. Cytogenetic characteristic of pigs transgenic on the gene of releasing-factor of human growth hormone mMT1/RhGH more

Kal’nitskii B.D., Karpov D.V. Supply by amino acids and their utilization by mammary gland in dairy cows during administration of energy substrates to digestive tract more

Vashchekin E.P., Men’kova A.A., Bobkov A.A. e.a. Metabolism indices and productivity in the cows of the Black-and-White breed during the use of low alkaloid lupine corn in their rations more

Dushkin E.V., Mikulets Yu.I. Glucose content in blood and degree of fatty infiltration of liver in fresh cows at the various nutritive value of ration more

Korostelev A.I. Physiologo-biochemical parameters of metabolism in endocrine glands in bulls during their growing on high energy rations more

Parshina V.V. Activity of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes in cow chyme under the action feed additions with adsorptive properties more

Mirzoev E.B., Kobyalko V.O., Zeinalov A.A. e.a. The use of electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges in technologies for farrow sows keeping more

Motova E.N. Estimation of biochemical and immune status in calves of early postnatal period during giving to drink frozen beestings with high content of immunoglobulins more

Mavrin N.A., Nepoklonov A.A. Features of biology and distribution of cattle warble fly in Bryansk area more

Kulinich S.N. Identification of fungi species which destroy the hoof’s horn and their role under pododermatitis in cows more

Kirichko B.P., Knysh E.G., Parchenko V.V. Clinical-biochemical parameters in piglets under action of preparations — triazol derivative more

Gagieva Z.A. Variability of Bufo viridis Laur. embryos during one season as biodiversity characteristic more

Badtiev A.K., Khabaeva Z.G., Kalabekov A.L. About features of embryonic development in amphibias as model objects for estimation of ecological influence of ultraviolet radiation more

Es’kov E.K., Toboev V.A. Dynamics of thermal processes in nests of wintering bees more

Lebedev S.V., Sizova E.A. Morphofunctional state of animal’s liver during various supplying of ration with microelements äàëåå