doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.1.31eng

UDC 633.111:631.52:633.111.5



I.P. Diordiieva1, I.S. Riabovol1, L.O. Riabovol1, P.N. Rengach2,
S.P. Kotsiuba1, M.A. Makarchyk1

1Uman National University of Horticulture, Department of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 1, Institutska vul., Uman, Cherkassy region, 20305 Ukraine, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,,,;
2Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar, 86, pos. VNIISS, Ramon Region, Voronezh Province, 396030 Russia, e-mail

Diordiieva I.P.
Rengach P.N.
Riabovol L.O.
Kotsiuba S.P.
Riabovol I.S.
Makarchyk M.A.

Received July 17, 2018


Poor grain quality, mostly low proteins and gluten content, together with worse gluten quality, are the main obstacle to the widespread practical use of triticale. Hybridization of hexaploid triticale with certain Triticum species significantly expands the crop gene pool diversity and facilitates production of new forms with improved quality indicators. Spelt wheat is much suitable for crossing due to high protein content in grain (up to 25 %). The first Ukrainian study on hybridization between hexaploid triticale and spelt wheat was carried out in the Uman National University of Horticulture. The aim of the research was to improve triticale grain by intergeneric hybridization with spelt wheat and characterization of the hybrids for grain quality. The crosses resulted in a collection of more than 500 breeding samples of triticale which were grouped by plant height as medium, dwarf and short-stem forms. The best samples were analyzed for grain quality, i.e. content of proteins and gluten, the gluten quality, the 1000-seed weight and grain unite. Winter triticale Rarytet cultivar was the standard for medium height samples, and Alkid cultivar for low and short stem samples. Our research shows the improvement of triticale grain quality by intergeneric hybridization with spelt. Genotypes No. 455, 468 and 475 of medium height group, together with all dwarf and short-stem samples significantly exceeded the standards in grain protein and gluten content. The samples Nos. 455 (13.9 % protein, 30.2% gluten), 468 (13.0 % protein, 27.1 % gluten) and 473 (12.8 % protein, 28.0 % gluten) outstood for grain protein and gluten concentration. By the set of gluten quality indicators, the samples Nos. 455, 458, 451, 466, 488, 471 and 473 were assigned to group I, the rest of the samples belonged to group II. The samples Nos. 455 (56.0 g), 471 (55.3 g) and 473 (54.7 g) significantly surpass the standard in 1000-seed weight. No significant differences were found between the samples within each group for grain unit values. The highest values have Nos. 455 (700 g/l), 471 (690 g/l), 469 and 473 (685 g/l), 484 (682 g/l). As a result, two genotypes with high indicators of grain quality were selected, i.e. medium height sample No. 455 with protein content 13.9 %, group I gluten 30.2 %, 1000-seed weight 56.0 g, grain unit 700 g/l, and short-stem sample No. 471 with protein content 13.6 %, group I gluten 29.5 %, 1000-seed weight 55.3 g, and grain unit value 690 g/l).

Keywords: Triticosecale Wittmack, hexaploid triticale, Triticum spelta L., spelt wheat, hybridization, protein content, gluten content, 1000-seed weight, grain unite. 


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