doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2014.1.122eng

UDC 633.11"324":631.58(470.318)


A.F. Mel'nik1, V.A. Fomochkin2

1Orel State Agrarian University,
69, ul. Generala Rodina, Orel, 302019 Russia,
2Golun J.S.C.,
der. Golun, Orel Region, 303503 Russia

Received April 29, 2008


The Orel Region is inside the group of regions with high promising possibilities in grain production. The average productivity of winter wheat in the  last five years in this region was exceeding of  3.0 ton per hectare. The Moskovskaya 39 is the plastic high-yield variety of winter wheat, producing the grain with high technological properties. The authors studied the dependence of grain productivity and quality of the Moskovskaya 39 variety from the predecessors (bare fallow, barley, perennial cereal-leguminous herbage of third year cultivation) and mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate in dose of 2.5 centner per hectare and leaf-feeding by urea in dose of N30). The bare fallow was the most effective predecessor. Its use promotes to production of qualitative grain (3-rd class of the Russian Federation state standard) and high productivity (2.59 ton per hectare). The bare fallow ensures the best profitability — 212.4 %. The barley as predecessor results in the lowest indices of grain quality. The predecessor efficiency was increased after spring feeding.

Keywords: winter wheat, grain quality, gluten, protein, nature, glassiness, productivity, predecessor, top dressing.


Full article (Rus)



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