doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.1.87eng

UDC 635.64:631.522/.524:58.084:535.243.2


E.D. Zhuzha1, D.A. Vyrodov1A.P. Vyrodova2

1T.G. Shevchenko Nistreana State University,
107-118, ul. 25 October, Tiraspol, MD-3300 Republica Moldoveneasca Nistreana
2Nistreana Research Institute of Agriculture,
50, ul. Mira, Tiraspol, MD-3300 Republica Moldoveneasca Nistreana

Received February 17, 2010

The possibility of the use of spectral crooked reflections (SCR) of surface of tomato fruit for estimation and selection of sorts with high contents of pigment, defining coloration of fruit was studied. The objects of the studies were of the samples of tomato with gene of coloration of fruit: r, t, hp, gs, gf, BmoB, Bmo+B, bmo+B presented in homo- and heterozygous state (F1 hybrid), and the Carmine (bb mo+Bmo+B) as a standard sample with red fruits. It was shown, that the use in breeding of the fixation and analysis methods of SCR fruit's surface both in different and identical genetically sorts and also hybrids, obtained by crossing of these sorts, is quite efficiently. Instead of fixation of SCR during the estimation and the selection of breeding form the authors suggest using the optical color filter or the visual photoelectric photometry.

Keywords: tomatoes, fruits, reflection spectra, pigments, tomato color genes.


Full article (Rus)



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