doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.1.102eng

UDC 633.111«321»:581.145.1:631.527.5


V.S. Rubets, M.V. Yaltonskaya, V.V. Pyl'nev

K.A. Timiryazev Russian State Agrarian University,
49, ul. Timiryazevskaya, Moscow, 127550 Russia,

Received February 1, 2011

The authors studied the features of blossoming in late generations of distant hybrid of spring soft wheat obtained by crossing Triticum aestivum L. and T. timopheevii Zhuk. They determined the fertility of pollen, the size of anther, the grain setting in plants with different blossom type and also at the isolation of ear. It was shown, that second chasmogamy in wheat distant hybrids does not depend on fertility of pollen and size of anther. The chasmogamal plants have more high variability of determinants in comparison with normally blossoming ones; they are characterized by lesser setting of grain in ear and lesser mass of grain. The isolation of chasmogamal ears at the blossom phase results in the reduction of setting but does not influence the size of grain. The influence of mother sort of soft wheat on a degree of second open blossoming of distant hybrids was revealed.

Keywords: distant hybrids in wheat, secondary hasmogamy blossoming, pollen fertility, grain setting in spike.


Full article (Rus)



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