doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.1.68eng

UDC 633.11:631.527:632.4:577.2


P.Yu. Krupin1, M.G. Divashuk1, V.I. Belov2, A.I. Zhemchuzhina3, E.D. Kovalenko3, V.P. Upelniek2, 4, G.I. Karlov1

1Center for Molecular Biotechnology of K.A. Timiryazev Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agrarian Academy,
ul. Timiryazevskaya, Moscow, 127550 Russia,
2N.V. Tsytsin Central Botanical Garden , Russian Academy of Sciences,
31, ul. Botanicheskaya, Moscow, 127276 Russia,
3All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Bolshye Viazemy, Odintsovo Region, Moscow Province, 143050 Russia,
4N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics , Russian Academy of Sciences,
3, ul. Gubkina, GSP-1, Moscow 119991, Russia,

Received August 19, 2012

The estimation was made for 18 variants of octaploid winter wheat-Аgropyron hybrids (WAH) (2n = 56) on juvenile resistance to 10 isolates of leaf rust. By the use of molecular markers the presence of different subgenomes of Thinopyrum sp. in investigated variants was shown. In variants of WAH the authors revealed a polymorphism on resistance to test-isolates of leaf rust, which may be due to various number of agropyron chromosomes in genome. The authors discussed the possibility of using studied WAH in breeding on resistance to leaf rust and the role of resistance in improvement of economical-valued determinants of WAH in breeding process.

Keywords: wheat, wheat-Thinopyrum hybrids, leaf rust, resistance genes.


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